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Atom Feeds and Moving On


Atom feed added to piaine today. Along with the other minor additions since Monday, this more or less brings me around to everything that I wanted to accomplish with piaine right at this moment. I will probably putter about in the code and fix the links needing to be at the start of paragraphs at some point in the next few days, but I think overall, that piaine as it stands now supports everything I need or want in a lightweight blog.

Moving On

Moving forward I think that I am just going to live with piaine for the next few weeks and see where the actual pain points are. It all seems straightforward to me but that is because I built it and I know what's needed. Probably useful would be providing a package on sourcehut or github with a template site and a build of the project that would allow people to download and get going immediately.

It's something I will think about for the next while. I've also never had to package a project before, it might be an interesting thing, and considering how it will be used might make me realise the amount of boneheaded decisions I've made and weird hardcoded elements I've included.

I don't think this blog will be the most active for me to be posting to. I might make a hobby blog on this site in a subfolder that will call for more frequent posting. Hobby blog would also include a lot of images and make me think more about that and if there are any pieces missing that would be useful in dealing with content that isn't just text with the occasional picture.
